The tension across Kabul was peaking as the 2014 Presidential Election dispute continued into its third month with no outcome. The city’s blunt divisions along old fault lines reminded everyone of the early nineties as …
Why a Government in Exile is not Feasible for Afghanistan
Since the Taliban’s resurgence and subsequent takeover of Afghanistan in August 2021, the country has faced a significant decline in both its political and humanitarian landscapes. The U.S. withdrawal and the collapse of the Afghanistan …
A design-centric Perspective on the Failure of the Afghanistan Peace Process
When Ambassador Zalmay Khalilzad embarked on his mission in September 2018 to end the American military engagement in Afghanistan, few people placed much hope in his efforts. Almost three years later, even fewer people could …
Why Was A Political Settlement Not Achieved in Afghanistan: A Bargaining Challenge Approach
The post-2001 war in Afghanistan was fought between the government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, the Taliban, and NATO led by the US from 2001-2021.
Gender Apartheid and Cultural Relativism under the Taliban and Iranian Regimes
While practices of mainstream Muslims across the world defy the limitation of fundamental rights, authoritarian and in certain cases sultanistic regimes in the Muslim